My Story


I wanted to take a moment to share a bit about me and what I hope to accomplish with this website.

First off… I’m 37 years old, married to my high school sweetheart  (22 years and countin’)  and Mom to two amazing young men. Gabe is 15 and Owen is 12.  Both of our boys have severe dyslexia and have struggled in the typical education setting.  I’m a Lifestyle Alignment Strategist,  Linewife, advocate, entrepreneur, organic gardener,  travel enthusiast, DIY girl, hunter, hostest of the mostest, and super passionate about helping women become the best version of themselves and find balance within their lives! (YES it is possible!!)

But this is not how I use to describe my life… Or myself… Let’s rewind a bit…

In March 2012 I found myself in a desperate place. One filled with negative self esteem, depression, tremendous loneliness,  a hefty drinking problem, a body I didn’t recognized and a true feeling of overwhelm and fear.

On the outside most had no clue that I was suffering so deeply…I hid it all pretty well… But there came a time where I could no longer hide it… Where the pounds were adding up rapidly, my health was declining and relationships were suffering. Big time! I needed help.. I needed change… But I hadn’t a clue where to turn….

It was soon after a rock bottom afternoon that I was invited to join a group of women all seeking change. One of my friends was hosting and I decided to go all in. For the first time in a long time.. I invested in myself and gave it 100% every day, for 90 days. I learned about the clean eating lifestyle, set goals for the first time in years and finally understood that I had to put myself at the top of my to-do list, everyday! I also got reunited with working out and went on to lose over 50 pounds! (And have kept it off)

For 5 years now I have been paying it forward so to speak… Helping other women live happier  & healthier lives! It’s incredible the ripple effect one small choice caused in my life and countless others.

What I want more than anything is to provide a place for women to go where they feel safe, and supported. A place where information is flowing and creativity is ignited. We are all in this crazy world together and no one needs to do it alone!

Looking forward to hearing your story and excited to have you along on this journey! ?